MyWish Weekly Report 22/04/2022

4 min readApr 22, 2022



  1. Cross-Chain Bridge to Solana

Along with the increase in customization of MyWish cross-chain solutions, our team has started working on building the Bridge core to Solana. We are excited to start bridging projects to one of the most demanded the users' networks and looking forward to building our forest bridge there.
Development Status: 40% complete

  1. Airdrop to Tron

This week we have completed the Tron network addition to the Airdrop service.
Expansion of networks available and optimization of the existing solutions is one of the major focuses of the MyWish development team along with the cross-chain development. Having received positive feedback from the existing airdrop service users and various requests for the Tron network addition, our team has finally finished the integration and now look forward to providing Tron based projects with a more efficient tool for token distributionю

Mainnet Status: 100% complete. Testing in progress.
Release date: 28/04


  1. ALGB Airdrop for MyWish holders is coming soon

We are happy to announce that preparations for an Airdrop campaign in collaboration with Algebra Finance are coming to the final stage. ALGB Airdrop for loyal holders of WISH tokens is coming soon. The snapshot is scheduled for April, 28!

Find the details in this article and get your wallets ready:

2. MyWish cross-chain bridges development article

The dedicated article featuring MyWish cross-chain bridge development has been published in our Medium account. The text includes everything you need to know about cross-chain and MyWish interoperability solutions for crypto projects. Our team hopes that the paper will bring extra awareness to our services and help many projects learn more about blockchain compatibility.

3. Predict the price of $RBC and get up to $50!

This week we announced a price prediction activity on our Twitter account with rewards for the most accurate guesses. The contest is held in cooperation with our fellow project Rubic Exchange. The results will be summed up on April 26!

Go to our Twitter account to try your luck and have a chance to win some money:

4. MyWish will be listed on

Crypto Social Network announced MyWish listing! Soon users will be able to buy and track our token on their platform. We are happy to be noticed by such a promising project and hope that this cooperation will benefit both platforms!

5. MyWish promo activities on Twitter

Our team is preparing many promo events to hold on our Twitter account, hoping to increase brand awareness and boost audience engagement on social media. The activities have already started! Follow us on Twitter to have some fun and have a chance to get rewards.

MyWish Twitter:

6. Airdrop service stats

As usual, we would like to share the results of MyWish token multisender. This week tokens were sent to 1300 addresses. The batches were 512, 491, and 297. We are happy to see that our airdrop tool is on-demand and glad to help more crypto projects to become widespread in the crypto arena.

Try MyWish Airdrop service at

7. Weekly BuyBack

This week’s buyback is 997 WISH.

Tx details:

The bought back funds are kept in $WWISH at the following address: 0x97f95242E27218Ea6a265239Ba04BC26F31DB0a4.

You can also find the details in the Tokenomics report available in this link:


Users: 48424
Contracts: 38261

We would like to thank the community for its ongoing support!





Binance DEX:


WISH Cross-chain Swap:

MyWish Airdrop Service:

