Aug-Sep Stats:
Testnet contracts created: 195
Mainnet contracts deployed: 6
Total count: 40625 smart contracts created on MyWish
Along with the beginning of the market recession, their whole market and the vast majority of projects are waiting for the next bull run and very few keep emerging. Seeing this trend our team is shifting towards a more long and long converting strategy of providing more unique services and custom solutions. Our team is now in the process of cross-chain bridge service optimization to enable auto-deployment of the backend and smart contracts.
Due to the bear market, our team is focusing our product line on services that would support the existing projects with more custom solutions such as cross-chain bridge development.
One of the biggest events of the autumn with the support of our great friends — The startAD accelerator.
Our team is pleased and honored to receive the invitation from StartAD and looking forward to presenting our platform to the global crypto and blockchain community.
On the first day of the event, we’ve connected with over 50 visitors and made valuable connections with potential partners, integrators, and influencers from the global blockchain space.
My wish is on the GITEX! Visit our booth there till 14/10
Binance Dex is stopping operations
Binance Dex will stop operating in the Binance Beacon Chain. This means that the token won’t be available for trading on Binance Dex. No need to worry, the token is trading on Uniswap
In case you have tokens left on the beacon chain, you can use our bridge to transfer the tokens to Ethereum or BNB Smart chain.
Find more details in the Binance announcement:
The storage of the token in Binance Beacon Chain is still possible and will bring no harm to your tokens. For those who are willing to bring the tokens to the other networks, our bridge is always available for you at:
Our team is planning the tokenomics update, however, we will try to make changes just before the bull market. We value the input and the proposals of the community and will thoroughly evaluate each of the proposed solutions.
This week we will add the liquidity and buyback for August and September.
We have added the buyback for August and September of 19696 WISH and the equivalent ETH to the Uniswap V2 liquidity
The Tx link
You can also find the details in the Tokenomics report available at this link:
To sum it up:
MyWish team is working hard on the project development despite the market state. We’re proud of the attention of the big international market players and grateful to all of our 50k users for trusting and choosing our platform for the assets creation and management.
Users: 50,654
Contracts: 40,626
We would like to thank the community for its ongoing support!
WISH Cross-chain Swap:
MyWish Airdrop Service: