Weekly report 09/24

3 min readSep 24, 2018


Hello everyone!

Development status

Currently, the team is focused on EOS development & integration.

  1. We have become block producers for EOS test net (Jungle). Test net stability is critical for MyWish platform development and now we have more abilities to control.
  2. Our EOS account service was updated significantly. We are the only platform that provides test accounts creation (for free) and setting Advanced params like CPU/NET/RAM.

You can try it here: https://contracts.mywish.io/create/eosWallet?network=10

3. Airdrop tool was released for EOS account connection. We decided to move it to blockchain to avoid any cheating. Every connection is recorded to Ethereum blockchain and everybody can check it.

You can try it here: https://contracts.mywish.io/join_airdrop

4. EOS Airdrop Contract (for users, not for EOSISH) development status: 30% completed.

Many users tried our EOS Token & Crowdsale contract on Test net (Total: 46 contracts).

Marketing status

  • More than 400 new registrations after EOSISH launch. It’s 10% of all our registrations since Nov’17.
  • Our first AMA! We have answered questions about how to get EOSISH for free? what is our most popular contract? hard questions about marketing, and about our cooperation with Lindsay Lohan, Our 600 EOSISH winner for the best question is Sheldon “@ShelTel”. You can expect more soon :)


  • We got a lot of attention from EOS Community from different countries. Their representatives retweeted our posts and helped us to promote MyWish. Also, they allowed us to place the info about MyWish on EOS Community chats in telegram.
  • After EOSISH release the number of our telegram users was increased by ~ 50% to 3200.
  • We got listed on many sites related to EOS and EOS airdrops.











  • For new users acquisitions, we are developing new pages with comprehensive information about EOS account, Token & Crowdsale contracts. Here is a comparison table for the account page.
  • We have also updated https://mywish.io and added most of our lovely clients. It will increase the trust in MyWish Platform.

Weekly statistics

Users: 4192 (+ 12%)

Contracts: 2514 (+ 14%)

We would like to thank the community for the continuous support.

MyWish: https://contracts.mywish.io

CMC: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/mywish/

IDEX : https://idex.market/eth/wish

Cryptopia: https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/Exchange/?market=WISH_BTC

Coss.io: https://exchange.coss.io/

Bancor Network: https://app.bancor.network/communities/5a17518de17ffd0001b8ee6a/about

Ether/Fork delta: https://forkdelta.github.io/#!/trade/WISH-ETH




Written by MyWish

The Leading Smart Contracts Generator

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